These outreach materials can be reprinted. If you would like to have copies mailed, please contact 302-255-0405.
Domestic Violence – How it Affects Children
Domestic Violence – How it Affects Children (Spanish)
A brochure which outlines the effects domestic violence has on children.
Posters – Domestic Violence Awareness
A brochure which outlines ways to help protect yourself and your children.
A fact sheet for teens, parents and educators
Each year, the DVCC works with middle and high school Wellness Centers and school nurses statewide to provide teen dating violence awareness and prevention education. Activities that reach tweens, teens and young adults include interactive resource tables, school “lunch & learns” as well as classroom awareness sessions.
To schedule an awareness event or learn more about specific topics, please contact:
Training, Education and Outreach
(302) 255-1704
Other Training Opportunities within State of Delaware
Power & Control Wheel (below) shows the kinds of behavior perpetrators use to gain and maintain control over their victim. Domestic violence abuse is never an accident.
Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Abuse
Domestic Violence Abuse (Spanish)
Later in Life
Lesbian, Gay, Transgender & Bisexual
Second Hand Abuse
Teen Dating Violence
Related Topics: brochures, domestic violence, Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, DVCC, education, immigrant, LGBT, materials, outreach, power and control, publications, resources, safety plan, sexting, shoe card, teen dating, wheels