Domestic Violence
Coordinating Council (DVCC)

Outstanding Service Award Recipients

Complete List of Past DVCC Outstanding Service Award Recipients

Over the years, the Domestic Violence Coordinating Council has had the honor of giving the Outstanding Service Award to distinguished professionals and programs in Delaware.  Below is the complete list of past recipients since the Award was created:

2008 – Elaine Aviola
2009 – Diane Glenn
2010 – Mary Davis
2011 – Susan Baldwin
2012 – Carol Post
2013 – Neda Biggs and Debra Reed
2014 – Cindy Mercer and Jim McGiffin
2015 – Liane Sorenson
2016 – Detective Joe Miller
2017 – Linda Shannon
2018 – Robert Hirst
2019 – Marcey Rezac
2020 – Carolyn Becker
2021 – Family Court, Child Inc., and People’s Place
2022 – Melissa Pennachi
2023 – Jenna Milecki

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