FIRT Reports | FIRT Membership | FIRT Policy & Procedures
The Domestic Violence Coordinating Council’s Fatal Incident Review Team (FIRT) was established by statute in 1996 (Title 13 Section 2105) and became the first statewide team in the country. FIRT members are dedicated professionals whose primary focus is to conduct system audits of State agencies and private organizations that had contact with the deceased victim and/or the perpetrator to assess the system’s response.
Although domestic violence fatality reviews are retrospective in nature, their purpose is prospective. Reviews focus on identifying trends, patterns and obstacles in services, assessing agency interventions, and most importantly, developing practical recommendations aimed at improving the system and preventing future injury and death. High risk factors are also identified. Steps may be taken to prevent future deaths, including changes in organizations’ policies and procedures and dissemination of information for intervention, prevention, public policy development, and education.
In 2009, the General Assembly granted FIRT the authority to conduct near-death reviews. These reviews enhance the team’s ability to improve Delaware’s response to domestic violence with the wealth of knowledge that can be gained from speaking directly with the domestic violence survivor about the incident, the history of violence, system involvement, and awareness of resources.
Cases involving the death of a minor related to domestic violence are reviewed jointly by the regional panel of the Child Death, Near Death and Stillborn Commission and Fatal Incident Review Team.
Jenna Milecki
Deputy Attorney General, DOJ
Lisa Hudson
Sussex Operations Administrator, DOC
Staff Information:
Lauren Cuevas,
Social Service Senior Administrator
Related Topics: committees, domestic violence, Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, DVCC, Fatal Incident Review Team, FIRT, resources, reviews