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Children who witness domestic violence may have the following symptoms
How Domestic Violence Affects Children
Children of all ages can be deeply affected by domestic violence
Infants – may not develop the appropriate attachments to their caretakers who are crucial to their development and may suffer “failure to thrive.”
Preschool Children – may regress developmentally and suffer sleep disturbances including nightmares.
School age Children – develop behavioral problems including: depression, anxiety, violence toward peers and difficulty with authority. In some cases the anxiety level can be so high children are afraid to attend school for fear of what will happen to the abused parent or younger siblings when they are not home.
Adolescents– have increased risk for repeating abusive behavior patterns in their dating relationships.
They are also at increased risk for alcohol and drug abuse, criminal behavior and eventual entry into the criminal justice system.
Adolescents are at risk of academic failure, school drop-out, delinquency, and substance abuse. Some investigators have suggested that a history of family violence or abuse is the most significant difference between delinquent and non-delinquent youth.
Child Abuse Report Line
All suspected child abuse and neglect must be reported to the 24-hour Division of Family Services (DFS) Child Abuse and Neglect Report Line or online. You may also call any Law Enforcement Agency or 911, but not in lieu of contacting DFS. You are not required to provide proof. Anyone who makes a good faith report based on reasonable grounds is immune from prosecution.
Call 2-1-1 if you need to be connected to resources within the community to help you manage issues whether you are facing multiple challenges such as single parenthood or need access to low income services and support (i.e. POC, Medicaid, TANF).
Child Mental Health Mobile Crisis (under age 18)
1-800-969-HELP (4357)
Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) is a Crisis Response program available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, to all children or youth under the age of 18 throughout Delaware. Clinicians provide risk assessments, intervention services, and case management for children in crisis.
CHILD, Inc. – 24 hour Runaway Hotline
Acts as a link between runaways, their families and CHILD Inc.’s counseling services.
Rape Crisis/Sexual Assault
YWCA Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC)
Provides complete, free and confidential rape crisis victim service to sexual assault survivors aged 12 and older and their non-offending family members, friends and partners throughout the State of Delaware.
ContactLifeline Rape Crisis
Assists survivors of sexual assault, regardless of whether it just happened or happened many years ago, with telephone counseling; information and referral; in-person support and assistance at hospitals police stations, and courts; plus, individual counseling for survivors, friends and family.
Futures Without Violence
Phone: 415-678-5500
TTY: 1-866-678-8901
Futures works to promote resiliency for children exposed to violence. The organization works at the forefront of policy and research to advance promising practices in health care, education, law enforcement, and in the community that help children and youth heal and thrive.
Healthy Relationship Website – Love is Respect
or Text loveis to 22522*
Live chat is also available at the link above.
Highly trained advocates offer support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. Futures also provides information and support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service providers and members of law enforcement. Free and confidential phone, live chat and texting services are available 24/7/365.
Largest provider of outpatient behavioral health services to children and families in Delaware with offices in Wilmington, Newark, Dover, Lewes, and Seaford. Clients and families have access to outpatient counseling, group therapy, parent-child interaction therapy, and school-based services.
New Castle County
CHILD, Inc. – Services for Children
Helping Children Heal Program
The Helping Children Heal program serves children aged 4 to 18 who been exposed to intimate partner abuse in their homes as well as their families and caregivers. Treatment focuses on safety planning, working through feelings related to the violence, and developing skills to break the intergenerational cycle of violence. Services include individual, sibling, and family counseling, using traditional talk therapy as well as play therapy. Parent sessions are held to assess progress, provide ongoing education regarding the impact of intimate partner violence on children, and teach partnering skills.
Runaway and Homeless Youth Counseling
The goals of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program is to improve family functioning and reduce out-of-home placements. The Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Project of CHILD, Inc. operates a 24-Hour Runaway Hotline that serves as a vital link between runaways, their families, and CHILD, Inc. counseling services. The Project provides free individual and family counseling, a temporary emergency home, and related services to runaway and homeless youth and families experiencing stress.
Children First Counseling Services
Children First offers counseling and Mediation services for families dealing with divorce, separation, custody and visitation issues. Helping parents and other caregivers focus on the best interest of the child.
Kent & Sussex Counties
Turning Point at People’s Place
Turning Point offers a broad range of prevention and intervention services throughout Kent and Sussex Counties for domestic violence offenders, victims, and children affected by domestic violence. Children and teens affected by DV, non-abusive parents, and teens who are experiencing/have experienced dating violence can receive counseling services.
Office of the Child Advocate (OCA)
New Castle County – 302-255-1730
Kent County – 302-672-1125
Sussex County – 302-856-5720
OCA coordinates a legal representation program for children in Delaware, which includes the Court Appointed Special Advocate Program (CASA). While OCA primarily represents children in the custody of the state’s Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families (DSCYF or the Children’s Department), there are circumstances in which OCA may appoint a Child Attorney to represent children who are the subject of private child welfare proceedings in Family Court, such as custody, termination of parental rights, or guardianship proceedings.
Court Appointed Special Advocate Program (CASA)
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) provide representation for children who have experienced abuse and neglect. CASAs advocate for the best interest of the child, make recommendations to the Court about the child’s case, and advocate to ensure the child receives necessary services.
Department of Justice – Family Division
The Family Division is responsible for areas relating to violations committed by juveniles, as well as protecting children in vulnerable situations and enforcing child support orders.
Family Visitation offers a safe, nurturing, trauma-informed setting for children and their families. A variety of family situations necessitate the use of the visitation centers including intimate partner violence, a history of difficulties surrounding child visitation or exchange, parental substance use or lack of suitable visitation space, among others.
New Castle County
CHILD, Inc. – Family Visitation Centers
Services include on-site multi family group supervised visits, monitored exchange or individually supervised visits. The two centers, in Wilmington and Newark are equipped with trained staff, video cameras, and other safety features.
Kent & Sussex Counties
People’s Place – Family Visitation Centers
Centers are conveniently located near public transportation in Dover, Milford, and Georgetown. Family Visitation offers Individual 100% Supervised Visits, Multi-Family Group Supervised Visits, and Safe Exchanges for off-site visits.
Children & Families First is one of Delaware’s oldest and most trusted non-profit leaders in providing the supports and services children and their families need to thrive. They offer a variety of support programs for pregnant persons, children & teens, and parents & caregivers.
Dial 211 from any phone
Text your zip code to 898-211
Delaware 211 is a free, confidential service that connects people in the State of Delaware with health and human service organizations that offer support to individuals and families in need.
Access through Delaware 2-1-1
Dial 211 from any phone
Text your zip code to 898-211
The HMG system is a framework that brings together child-serving partners to improve early childhood services. Help Me Grow 2-1-1 is a one-stop-shop that offers programs, services, and helpful information for parents-to-be and families. Delaware’s program begins prenatally (before birth) and continues through age eight (8).
New Castle County
CHILD, Inc. – Parenting Education & Family Support Services
Offers a variety of education programs designed to strengthen families and improve outcomes for children.
Kent & Sussex Counties
People’s Place – Independent Living
Independent Living is a community-based contracted program through the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, Division of Family Services. This program aims to provide independent living preparation, skills, training, and case management to current youth in or who have exited the foster care system, ages 16-23. Services are provided through referrals made by the Division of Family Services of self-referrals for individuals 18-23 years of age.
Related Topics: children, Children and Domestic Violence Committee, committees, domestic violence, Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, DVCC, resources, schools