Domestic Violence Intervention Certification Panel | DVI Provider Certification Documents
Ensuring the quality and effectiveness of offender treatment is essential to promoting violence free behavior and enhancing victim safety. The Committee develops and reviews Domestic Violence Intervention (formerly batterers’ intervention) policies and procedures (Approved DVCC DVI Certification Standards 2023) which mandate specific credentials, education and training for Domestic Violence Intervention providers as well as outlining the components required for program content.
The Intervention Standards seek to increase victim safety by eliminating violence in intimate relationships. Interventions focus on holding the offenders accountable for their behavior by teaching new skills and monitoring behavior while participating in intervention programs. The Committee continually monitors changes in the field and focuses on providing the best treatment programs possible for the State of Delaware.
There are currently two certified Treatment Programs in Delaware:
Melissa Kearney
Designee for Commissioner Taylor
Related Topics: committees, domestic violence, Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, DVCC, resources, staff, treatment, Treatment Committee