DVI Provider Certification Documents | Evaluation of the Batterers’ Intervention Program (BIP) 2017 Full Report | Executive Summary – 2017 Batterers’ Intervention Program (BIP)
The Domestic Violence Intervention Certification Panel (formerly Batterers’ Intervention Certification Panel) is a subcommittee of the Treatment Committee. The Panel is responsible for overseeing and ensuring that treatment programs meet all specified requirements of the Domestic Violence Intervention Standards prior to being added to the list of Certified Treatment Programs.
The Panel is made up of eleven members from designated agencies as prescribed by the Certification Rules and Procedures. The panelists include:
The Panel meets every March, and as needed, to review Certified Treatment Programs’ Recertification Application to ensure that programs remain in compliance with the Intervention Standards including compliance with all continuing education requirements for facilitators. The review process helps Delaware maintain high quality and streamlined treatment services statewide.
In 2017, the DVCC utilized external reviewers to evaluate the existing Batterers’ Intervention Programs; the Executive Summary of that evaluation and the Full Report are linked above. The Evaluation identified that the model being used in Delaware is comprehensive and evidence-based. Re-arrest rates for those who had participated in these treatment programs were significantly lower than for participants who did not complete. The report also included a summary of key challenges with recommendations. Many of those recommendations have since been addressed and implemented and others are in process.
There are currently two certified Treatment Programs in Delaware:
Sara Paris, Planner IV
See calendar for meeting dates
Related Topics: Batterers' Intervention Certification Panel, committees, domestic violence, Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, DVCC, treatment, Treatment Committee